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Total Ada 1 Pertanyaan

  1. 3D_cdsl 13 Feb 2025, 15:56:23 WIB

    The role of 3D printing in education, The impact of 3D printers on educational processes, Developing engineering skills through 3D technologies, practical application in educational institutions, Expanding the understanding of educational material through 3D technologies, innovative approaches to learning, developing skills for the future profession, innovative approaches for educational projects, Develop students ' creativity and imagination through 3D printing of toys, prospects for the development of educational toys, Developing artistic thinking through working with 3D printers, new horizons for creative educational programs, Using 3D printers to create mockups and prototypes for educational purposes, prospects for applied disciplines
    3D Printing in Education <a>http://habr.com/ru/companies/top3dshopinc/articles/792140</a> .